No Signal – Susan Bijl

Title NO SIGNAL - SUSAN BIJL BAGYear 2017Item LINE OF SHOPPING BAGS ( 2 x BIG, 2 x MEDIUM, 2 x POUCHES)Technique SCREENPRINT ON RIPSTOP NYLONFor sale SUSAN BIJL (sold out)Photos Jan BijlCasting Ellie Uyttenbroek

I was rewatching ‘Bladerunner’ around the time I was contacted by Susan and thought it would be cool to design a bag that is made of screens instead of fabrics. The old school test card for television was the starting point for the first fabric. Simple vertical bars in contrasting colours. White noise was the starting point for the second design. Organized noise with subtle colour effects to make sure your eyes and brain are as confused as possible.

A very short interview can be found here